/* * This sketch sends a message to a TCP server * */ #include <WiFi.h>#include <WiFiMulti.h>#include <ESP32Time.h>#include <ArduinoJson.h> // 宏定义 GPIO 输出引脚#define LED_PIN 13#define LED_PIN2 12WiFiMulti WiFiMulti; const int TrigPin1 = 2;const int EchoPin1 = 3; unsigned long Time_Echo_us1 = 0;unsigned long Len_mm1 = 0;unsigned long LastD1 = 0;unsigned long sec = 0; WiFiClient client;StaticJsonDocument<200> json; ESP32Time rtc(28800); // offset GMT8 // ESP32Time rtc1(28800); // offset GMT8 // ESP32Time rtc2(28800); // offset GMT8void setup(){ sec++; Serial.begin(115200,SERIAL_8N1); delay(10); Serial.println("CLR(1);\r\n"); Serial.println("JUMP(0);\r\n"); pinMode(EchoPin1, INPUT); // Set EchoPin as input, to receive measure result from US-025,US-026 pinMode(TrigPin1, OUTPUT); // 配置 GPIO 输出引脚 pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); huxi_deng(); // We start by connecting to a WiFi network WiFiMulti.addAP("xiaohe_mobile", "23456789"); WiFiMulti.addAP("xiaohe", "23456789"); WiFiMulti.addAP("wangke", "wxwk1898"); Serial.println(); Serial.println(); // Serial.print("Waiting for WiFi... "); Serial.println("SET_TXT(0,'Waiting for WiFi');"); while (WiFiMulti.run() != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.print("."); delay(2); } Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected"); Serial.println("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); analogWrite(LED_PIN, 10); pinMode(LED_PIN2, OUTPUT); delay(500);} void loop(){ cWifi(); // This will send a request to the server // uncomment this line to send an arbitrary string to the server // client.print("Send this data to the server"); // uncomment this line to send a basic document request to the server Serial.print("{\"action\":\"door.v1.get\",\"sex\":1}"); client.println("{\"action\":\"door.v1.get\",\"sex\":1}"); int maxloops = 0; while (!client.available() && maxloops < 1000) { maxloops++; delay(1); // delay 1 msec } if (client.available() > 0) { String line = client.readStringUntil('\r'); Serial.println(line); deserializeJson(json, line); if(json["success"] == true){ // Serial.println("JUMP(0);\r\n"); rtc.setTime(json["time"]); Serial.print("SET_TXT(0,'"); Serial.print(rtc.getMonth()+1); Serial.print("-"); Serial.print(rtc.getDay()); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(rtc.getHour(true)); // Serial.println(rtc.getHour(true) + ":" + rtc.getMinute()+ ":" + rtc.getSecond()); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(rtc.getMinute()); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(rtc.getSecond()); Serial.println("');\r\n"); Serial.print("SET_TXT(2,'"); if(json["data"]["sex1"]["switch"]=="1"){ Serial.print("M:open"); // rtc1.setTime(json["data"]["sex1"]["time"]); // Serial.print(" "); // Serial.print(rtc1.getHour(true)); // Serial.print(":"); // Serial.print(rtc1.getMinute()); // Serial.print(":"); // Serial.print(rtc1.getSecond()); }else{ Serial.print("M:Close"); } String sex1_switch =json["data"]["sex1"]["switch"]; String sex2_switch =json["data"]["sex2"]["switch"]; if(sex2_switch=="1"){ Serial.print(" W:open"); // rtc2.setTime(json["data"]["sex2"]["time"]); // Serial.print(" "); // Serial.print(rtc2.getHour(true)); // Serial.print(":"); // Serial.print(rtc2.getMinute()); // Serial.print(":"); // Serial.print(rtc2.getSecond()); }else{ Serial.print(" W:Close"); } Serial.println("');\r\n"); delay(20); // Serial.println("SET_TXT(1,'男关女关');"); if(sex2_switch=="1"){ if(sex1_switch=="1"){ Serial.println("BL(1);\r\n"); }else{ Serial.println("BL(200);\r\n"); } }else{ if(sex1_switch=="1"){ Serial.println("BL(100);\r\n"); }else{ Serial.println("BL(254);\r\n"); } } delay(16); Serial.print(sex1_switch); Serial.println(sex2_switch); } } else { Serial.println("client.available() timed out "); } Serial.println("Closing connection."); // client.stop(); // Serial.println("Waiting 1 seconds before restarting..."); delay(1000);} void huxi_deng(){ // 实现渐亮效果 for(int i=0;i<200;i++) { // 设置亮度模拟值 analogWrite(LED_PIN, i); // 延时 2ms delay(5); } // 实现渐灭效果 for(int i=200;i>=0;i--) { // 设置亮度模拟值 analogWrite(LED_PIN, i); // 延时 2ms delay(5); }} void cWifi(){ const uint16_t port = 8082; const char *host = ""; // ip or dns // Use WiFiClient class to create TCP connections if (!client.connect(host, port)) { Serial.println("Connection failed."); Serial.println("Waiting 5 seconds before retrying..."); delay(5000); //判断 wifi 是否断网,如果断网就重连接 WiFi if (WiFiMulti.run() != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.println("WiFi disconnected."); huxi_deng(); } // 设置亮度模拟值 analogWrite(LED_PIN, 10); return; } else { // Serial.print("Connecting to "); // Serial.println(host); }} long panduanJUli(long now){ analogWrite(LED_PIN2, now); // long piancha = 2; if (now != LastD1) { // if(now+piancha > LastD1 || now-piancha< LastD1){ // LastD1 = now; // return now; // } LastD1 = now; return now; } else { if(now>560) { return 0; }else{ return now; } }} long readDistance1(){ digitalWrite(TrigPin1, HIGH); // begin to send a high pulse, then US-025/US-026 begin to measure the distance delayMicroseconds(20); // set this high pulse width as 20us (>10us) digitalWrite(TrigPin1, LOW); // end this high pulse Time_Echo_us1 = pulseIn(EchoPin1, HIGH); // calculate the pulse width at EchoPin, if ((Time_Echo_us1 < 60000) && (Time_Echo_us1 > 1)) // a valid pulse width should be between (1, 60000). { Len_mm1 = (Time_Echo_us1 * 34 / 1000) / 2; // calculate the distance by pulse width, Len_mm = (Time_Echo_us * 0.34mm/us) / 2 (mm) // Serial.print("Present Distance is: "); //output result to Serial monitor Serial.print(Len_mm1, DEC); // output result to Serial monitor Serial.println("cm"); if (Len_mm1 >= 560) { return 0; } // output result to Serial monitor return Len_mm1; } else { return 0; }}